In 1940, with efforts of Ethel Morrison the first library was opened. Books were borrowed through a general extension program from Alabama Public Library Services in cooperation with WPA. WPA librarian project said they would pay the salary of a custodian and book repairer if a location was provided. A room from the old Cherokee County High School was provided. Citizens donated money, books, and magazines. The city was canvassed and $51 was raised. The Department of Archives and history said they would match any cash donation to buy new books. Department of Archives shipped 50 volumes of books. Cherokee County Department of Education donated books that had circulated through the schools. People donated old magazines as well as subscribing the library to current issues. Through publicity by local newspapers, books were sent to the library from other states.
In 1941, Centre Library was renamed Cherokee County Public Library.
On June 30, 1942, the library closed because it could not operate on a budget of $200 a month. Two months later it reopened with the high school teachers serving as librarians. In September a donator made it possible for the library to remain open.
In 1943, the library moved to the Legion Hall where it stayed until 1950.
In 1950, the library moved to the annex of the county courthouse where it occupied two rooms.
In 1966, those two rooms increased to four.
It quickly outgrew its place in the courthouse and in 1974, today’s library was built on land donated by Miss Ethel Morrison.
The open house for the current library was on January 26, 1975. It is housed on 2.5 acres of land. Its 3400 square feet cost around $101,000.
In 2001, a 3000 square foot addition was opened. The library raised a total of $350,000. This addition doubled the size of the library. This added a genealogy room, reference room, and a conference room.